Outils créés par la Chaire
Bibliographie thématique sur le transfert des connaissances en contexte autochtone (préparée par Marie-Ève Bélanger-Boulay)
Le transfert des connaissances en contexte autochtone : quelques concepts-clés (préparé par Marie-Ève Bélanger-Boulay)
Voix inuit
Témoignage de Lucy Grey, anciennement conseillère en recherche à l'Administration régionale Kativik.
Lucy Grey is the Inuit Research Advisor for Nunavik and shares her experience working with researchers in the region (Filmed in English with Inuktitut subtitles). She explains that historically, Inuit have been left out of research and that their knowledge has been considered "anecdotal". Research approaches are evolving, and finally Inuit are starting to be able to take a more active role in research. She describes two research projects that have successfully collaborated with Inuit in order to create knowledge that is beneficial to their communities (Nutaratsaliit qanuingisiarningit niqituinnanut and Qanuilirpitaa? 2017). Even with good relationships between scientists and Inuit, western researchers can still have their own biases that affect how they interpret the data, so it is very important to consider Inuit knowledge and perspectives in every step of the research process. Ultimately, when Inuit knowledge and scientific knowledge are merged, they give everyone a better understanding of our world.
Outils créés par des organisations autochtones
- Co-creating research projects - some personal experiences from Saami Council and Arctic researchers (Saami Council)
- ScIQ: Science and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (Ikaarvik)
- Stratégie nationale inuite sur la recherche (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami)
- The Inuit Way. A Guide to Inuit Culture (Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada)
- Lignes directrices de la recherche avec les femmes autochtones (Femmes autochtones du Québec)
- Boîte à outils des principes de la recherche en contexte autochtone (Commission de la santé et des services sociaux des Premières nations du Québec et du Labrador)
Schéma de la recherche future présenté par Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami:
Outils créés par les organisations de recherche nordique
- Arctic Research Code of Conduct (ArcticNet)
- Lignes directrices pour la recherche (Comité des premiers peuples de l'Institut nordique du Québec)